Sunday 7 October 2012

Monday 24th September 2012

First of all I would like to say a very warm thank you to all of our parents/carers who attended the Key Stage information meetings last week. These were well attended and provided an opportunity for parents to ask questions about routines, procedures and homework for their child as they start a new year group. Once again, these meetings demonstrated our parents' commitment to and support for their children's education at Copthorne.

Thank you also to the many parents/carers and pupils who have continued to show their support to me as Head of School - your support and kind words are overwhelming and it is great to know that we are all part of a team working to provide the best possible education for Copthorne's children.

New teacher for 1 Ash
As you know, at the start of this year I wrote to everyone telling you about our new members of staff. Unfortunately, due to personal circumstances beyond her control, Miss Bibi - 1 Ash's class teacher - has made the decision to put her career in teaching on hold for at least a year. Miss Bibi has been a wonderful teacher for 1 Ash since the start of September and we are extremely sorry to see her go. However, after a rigorous recruitment process we have found a new teacher for 1 Ash: Miss Richards. We know that she will continue the good work begun by Miss Bibi and that the children will have a wonderful year with her. Miss Bibi will leave Copthorne this Friday - 28th September - giving her 1 week with Miss Richards to ensure a mooth transition for the children. We wish Miss Bibi every success in the future and hope to see her back at Copthorne one day.
We are delighted to welcome Miss Richards to the Copthorne family and know that she will be a great asset to us.

Meet the new team
This week we will be holding 2 meetings for parents to come along and meet Mr Jacques (the Executive Head), Mrs Whalley(Acting Deputy Head) and myself. We will be talking about our vision for Copthorne and the ways in which we intend to continue and further develop our links with the community. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions and voice any concerns/share any ideas you may have regarding school.We really look forward to seeing you at one of the meetings. The times for the meetings are as follows:
Tuesday 25th September: 9am                        or
Wednesday 26th September: 2.15pm

What's hapening this week?
Today, Monday 24th, at 9.30 our Reception Clsses will meet the School Nurse. She will talk to them about her job and tell the children about some of the ativities she will be doing with them during this year such as height/weight checks and dental health checks.
On Tuesday, 25th September at 9am, we are holding a Maths Workshop for parents/carers of children in Reception classes. The workshop will explain how maths is taught in Reception and will give paents/carers some exciting ideas to help support their children with maths at home.

Forest Schools
Mrs Robinson will be leading our first Forest Schools trip to St Ives on Friday. Children from 4 Poplar will be the first to go this year. Forest Schools is a wonderful oportunity for our children to experience learning outside of the classroom. The children learn how to care for the natural environment and are taught skills such as woodcraft. The children have a wonderful time playing in mud and building shelters - it is an opportunity for many children to show their imagination, initiative and leadership skills beyond the classroom environment.
Mrs Robinson has already spoken to the children about what to wear but, in case there is any confusion, the children should be in warm, old clothes (not school uniform) that you don't mind getting dirty; sensible, study footwear for walking; and a waterproof coat. It is really important that children do not wear jeans: these hold water if it rains and can cause children to become very cold.
I wish everyone a great day and look forward to hearing all about your adventures.

Have a great week, everyone.
Mrs Shepherd

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