Sunday 21 October 2012

Monday 22nd October 2012

Well, here we are almost at the end of our first half term of the year. It's amazing how fast this half term has gone. As usual, it has been a great one for Copthorne with our children working hard, going on lots of trips and visits to bring the subjects they have been learning about to life and being involved in lots of clubs and activities each day.

Thank you to all our families who attended last week's parents' evening. It was wonderful to hear so many positive comments about our children's progress from their teachers. Keep up the good work everyone. Thank you, too, to everyone who made comments about what makes Copthorne  so special and gave suggestions for changes, developments and improvements. We really value your comments and, when we have had the opportunity to read through these in detail this week, will let everyone know what was said and any actions we plan to take in response to your ideas.

At a recent meeting of the school's Governing Body, as a result of discussions with a large number of parents, children and staff, it was agreed that it will no longer be necessary for our children to change into pumps when coming in from outside.We have been trialling this with a number of classes since mid-September and have found that not having to change into pumps saves at least 1 and a quarter hours of learning time each week!
We are in the process of buying extra mats for all our entrances but, when the weather is bad we will, as many of you have suggested, continue to encourage children to change into pumps or alternative footwear as necessary. The pumps you have purchased for this year will not be wasted as they will still be required for indoor PE lessons. We know that our parents/carers will support us in this matter as it will mean much better use of lesson times for our children.

During the same Governing Body meeting it was agreed that, in line with our school uniform policy, children should wear plain black shoes to school and that trainers should not be worn apart from in outdoor PE lessons. We believe that trainers cause feelings of inequality amongst pupils and may sometimes lead to children being 'singled out' by others for not having expensive brands. This, in turn, puts a great deal of emotional pressure on parents to buy very expensive brands. We feel that it is important for our children to feel safe, happy and equal to one another at our school and believe that children wearing plain black shoes goes a long way to ensuring that this happens. In addition, plain black, low-heeled shoes are much healthier for children's feet and provide the recommended level of support for growing feet. Again, I know that you will understand the reasons for this decision and support us in implementing this new rule about uniform. Please ensure that your children change to wearing black shoes as soon as possible but, at the latest ready for the start of the new year in January. Thank you.

Head Teacher of Copthorne
In response to a question posed, after last week's blog, about he current Head of Copthorne I would like to explain our existing staffing structure. At present Copthorne has a Head of School (myself) and an Executive Head (Mr Jacques). I am responsible for the day to day management and strategic leadership of the school and I am, therefore, the Head Teacher. Mr Jacques is our Executive Head and also the Executive Head of Horton Grange Primary school. Mr Jacques' role is to oversee the strategic leadership of both schools and to support me, and the Head of School at Horton Grange,in our new roles. I have access to him for 2 and a half days each week. This model of school leadership is becoming accepted as very good practice throughout the world of education and is proving very effective here.

This week at Copthorne

Year 3 at Nell Bank
Today all of our Year 3 children are visiting Nell Bank near Ilkley as part of their Creative Curriculum Topic: 'On Ilkley Moor Ba' Tat.' I know they will have a wonderful time and be a credit to Copthorne and their families.

This Wednesday, 24th October, we will be holding Eid parties in school so all our children and staff can come to school in their party clothes. We will also be having a visit from some of the organisers of the Curry Project during which the children will present the mountain of food they have collected to support the project. Well done to each class - you have made a real difference to the lives of large numbers of needy families and individuals in our community. Thank you.

Half Term

School will close at 3pm on Wednesday 24th October for the half term holidays and reopen on Monday 5th November. I wish you all a lovely, restful holiday and a Happy Eid - Eid Mubarak!

Mrs Shepherd

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