Sunday 14 October 2012

Monday 15th October 2012

Welcome to another week at Copthorne.

Building Learning Power Day
Thank you to our whole community for taking so much time and effort to make last Friday's event such a great day. Both the children and staff had a wonderful time and I know that it will be an event that the children will remember. The children worked hard to learn about their 'learning muscles' and will now be able to tell you about these and how they help us to learn. Well done everyone!

Last week both our Year 1 classes visited Eureka - the children's museum in Halifax. The children had a fabulous time and, as usual, were a credit to their families and to Copthorne. Thank you!

Sickness Bug
Last week a large number of our children and staff suffered as a result of a stomach bug. It is really important that children who have been sick and/or have suffered from diarrhoea stay at home for at least 24 hours from the time of the last incidence of vomiting or diarrhoea. This is in line with the Health Protection Agency's guidance to schools and helps to prevent the bug spreading and causing greater levels of absence. I know that our children are keen to come to school but it is very important that these guidelines are followed so that the bug can completely clear a child's system  - even if they look completely better a child can still pass on the bug to other children. Thank you for your support in this matter.

This week at Copthorne

Parents' Evening
On Thursday 18th October, between 3.15 and 6pm, it is our first Parent's Consultation Meeting of the year.This meeting provides an opportunity for parents/carers to find out about how their children have settled in to their new year group and class, to find out about the targets set in Literacy, Numeracy and Maths and to discuss the ways in which they can support their children's learning at home. Letters have already been sent home informing parents/carers about this and encouraging them to make an appointment to see their child's class teacher. Confirmation of appointment times will be given early this week.
During the evening we will be collecting parents', carers' and pupils' ideas about what makes Copthorne so special and how we can make it even better - so please have your ideas ready.

The Curry Project
All our children and staff are working hard to collect tins and packets of food in support of a local charity - The Curry Project - which feeds families and individuals who are in need. The children are competing between classes to try to collect the most. The winning class will be awarded a class treat. Thank you for your support for this very worthwhile cause.

Eid Assembly
On Friday 19th October there will be a special Eid Assembly presented by Year 5. The assembly will take place at both 10.30 am and 2.30pm in the school hall. Parents, carers, friends and families are warmly invited to attend. Please arrive in time as the assemblies will start promptly. I look forward to seeing you on Friday.

Wednesday 24th October
In order to celebrate Eid, each class will be having a party in their classroom. We would like everyone, including adults, to come in their Eid clothes for school that day. Eid Mubarak!
Wednesday 24th October will be the last day of school for this half term. School will finish at 3pm as usual and reopen on Monday 5th November.

Have a lovely week everyone!
Mrs Shepherd

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