Monday 18 June 2012

Monday 18th June

Hello Everyone,
I am sorry that there has been such a large gap since my last blog and this one. Normal weekly blogs should start agian after the summer.

Jubilee Community Street Party
I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone for making our Jubilee Party on June 1st such a big success. It was wonderful to look out on the playground and see such a sea of red, white and blue and a great mix of generations with every age group from our community represented.
Thank you especially to everyone who helped to plan and prepare for the event and to those that helped in any way on the day.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mohammed Taj, Chair of Copthorne Association, for supporting the event by helping us to access £250 from the council's Jubilee community funding - this allowed us to have a DJ and drummer for the afternoon, both of which added to the exciting atmosphere and were enjoyed by all.
In addition, we would like to thank everyone who contributed towards the cost of the meal and/or donated food for the event - we managed to feed about 1,000 people in total.
A special thanks needs to go to all the local businesses that supported the event: Mumtaz (for the lovely lassi), Premier Foods (for cakes and biscuits), Regal Bakery (for 800 buns!), Akbar's (for the raffle prize of a meal for 4), Magla Catering (for the rice and chicken which they supplied at a reduced rate), Pakeezah (for the samosas they cooked and supplied for us at a reduced rate), Haqs Supermarket (for the large range of prizes, drinks and sweets which they supplied at very low cost) and, last but not least, the many small businesses on Great Horton Road that contributed prizes for the stalls.
Everyone had a great time but it was the fact that the whole community worked as part of a team which made the event particularly successful. Thank you.

Dame Naila Zaffar
As you are all aware, Dame Naila Zaffar will retire from Copthorne on July 20th this year. Naila has been Head of Copthorne for 20 years and, during that time, has worked alongside the community to make Copthorne an outstanding school. We will all miss her terribly. Many of you have been asking about buying leaving gifts for Dame Naila and, with this in mind, I have been trying to find out what she would like. I know that many of you would like to buy Naila a gift from your family. However, I think it world be a good idea if all parents contributed to one larger present rather than individual ones - this will be easier for her to take with her when she goes to Dubai to visit her family which I know she intends to do for a large part of next year. With this in mind, if you wish to contribute towards Dame Naila's leaving gift from parents, please send your donation in an envelope to the school office. Thank you.

Head of School
As you were informed in the letter last week I will be taking on the role of Head of School in September. I am absolutely delighted to have been given this opportunity to lead Copthorne and continue to work in partnership with our community. Thank you to everyone who has passed on their congratulations and pledged their continuing support to myself and the school. Your good wishes are much appreciated. Thank you.

Optional SATs and Year 1 assessments
This week our children in Years1, 3, 4 and 5 will be doing their optional SATs tests. They will be tested on reading, writing and maths as well as phonics in Year 1. I know that all our children will try their hardest. Please support the children by making sure that they get a good night's sleep and arrive to school calm and on time.

Year 5 visits to Magna
Both Year 5 classes will visit Magna - the science museum near Rotherham -this week. The children will be able to explore a lot of the hands-on exhibits and learn more about scientific ideas. I know that they will have a wonderful time.
5 Willow's trip takes place on Tuesday (19th) and 5 Cedar's on Thursday (21st).

Copthorne's Got Talent
This Friday (22nd) is the whole school final of Copthorne's Got Talent. There will be 2 shows: 10am and 2pm. Parents are welcome to attend either or both events. Good luck to all the finalists and to all those who auditioned for the earlier stages. You have made us very proud.

Environment Week
This runs from Monday 25th to Friday 29th June and is being organised by Mr Waddington.
There are a great number of interesting events for the children to look forward to including working at the allotment, Forest Schools and a digital photography competition in the park.
More details about this will follow next week.

Have a great week everyone.

Mrs Shepherd

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