Monday 7 May 2012

Tuesday 1st May

Welcome to another week at Copthorne.

Farewell Mrs Strubing
Sadly, we said goodbye to Mrs Strubing yesterday after 16 years as a teacher at our school. To mark this event Mrs Strubing was firstly presented with a retirement cake which she kindly shared with all the staff and her class: 4 Poplar. In addition an assembly was held for the whole of Key Stage 2 during which we celebrated Mrs Strubing's career at Copthorne and Mrs Van Tol and Mr Mills played a selection of her favourite music for her: Mr Mills on the piano and Mrs Van Tol on the clarinet. Mrs Strubing was then presented with her leaving gifts: a pampering day at a spa for herself and a friend, vouchers for another 'pampering' treatment and a limited addition print of a thrush which Mrs Strubing says will remind her of us whenever she looks at it. I know that Mrs Strubing was also very touched by the many gifts, cards and warm wishes from parents and pupils.
We were all very sad to see her go but wish Miss Akhtar every success as she takes over as classroom teacher for 4 Poplar until the end of the academic year.

Sports Relief
I am absolutely delighted to report that the pupils, parents and staff of Copthorne raised an amazing £1,400 for Sorts Relief through the events organised. Thank you so much to all of you. This demonstrates, once again, the kindness, care and generosity of the Cothorne community in helping others less fortunate than ourselves. Your support is greatly appreciated.
A very special thanks goes to Mr Robinson, our Sports Development worker, who organised all the activities - all your hard work is much appreciated Mr Robinson.

St Leonard's Farm
Last week saw the first of our Nursery trips to St. Leonard's farm. Once again, our children were a credit to us all: behaving beautifully and being kind to all the animals. Luckily the weather stayed dry whilst the children were outside and the only rain was when the children were inside enjoying the play barn. The children saw loads of animals including sheep, goats, hens, piglets and even meerkats. Children, staff and parents had a wonderful time and came back with lots of first hand experience to talk about linked to the theme of animals. Thank you to all the parents/carers who accompanied the trip.

Copthorne's Got Talent
Playtimes are alive with the sights and sounds of children practising for the Copthorne's got Talent competition. Each class will have two acts chosen to go forward to the year group final and, from there, one act from each year will go towards the whole school competition. Last year's competition was an overwhelming success and showed just how much talent our puils have. I look forward to the whole school elements of the competition. Parents/carers will, of course, be invited to attend the final in June. The winners of the school final will then take part in the LAP competition. Good Luck Copthorne!

New Build
Last week I was fortunate in having the opportunity to tour our new extension. It is huge inside and it is so exciting to be able to see, first hand,  the opportunities it will allow us to provide for our children. What is particularly impressive is the multi - purpose room. This will include 4 cookers so that pupils will regularly be able to preare and cook healthy food linked, where possible, to the creative curriculum theme they are studying. This area also includes a large community room so we will be able to extend and enhance our community links further. The extension also includes a brand new ICT suite with workstations for 30 pupils, a  huge library which will include lots of seating areas for children to read, a lift between floors and changing rooms for PE. There is also a new entrance with a lovely area for visitors to wait. It definitely looks as though the new building will be worth the wait but would like to thank you, one again, for your support and patience during the last year.

May Day Bank Holiday
School will be closed on Monday 7th May for the Bank Holiday but will be open again as usual on Tuesday 8th.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and that the sun will shine!

Mrs Shepherd

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